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Be A Changemaker

Join us in our largest single day of giving.

$14,210 raised

$13,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Support our Future

Give today to ensure that students will be more equipped to be contributing members of society and to their local communities. You'll be supporting programs like Leadership Academy, where students learn to be better and more effective leaders, and Leadership in Action, where Members learn professional and soft skills.

By reaching our goal, we will be able to provide meaningful and applicable leadership training to our Collegiate Members, provide more scholarship opportunities and grow our Fraternity to reach more students. You'll also be securing our future by enabling us to reach even more communities with our expansion efforts.

With your donation, we can grow our Members into leaders, who will impact humanity in their communities and in the world. We are investing in the leaders of tomorrow and we appreciate that you are too.

Matching Donors

Thanks to our amazing matching donors, your donation will go even further. Let's unlock them together!